We are now in full autumn coats and jackets. We have moved on to cooler temperatures, which can also be the cause of the first ailments and colds, so we need to have an eye on how to dress children appropriately. It is advisable to dress the baby in layers so that depending on the particular situation, we can cover him or reveal him more.
Autumn Coats And Jackets
Autumn coats and jackets have very variable temperatures, with cool days but sometimes it reserves us warm days, so outerwear becomes a fundamental garment For more informative blogs visit boost monkey.
The duster
If you are lucky, the one purchased or used in spring will be fine, it is ideal with mild temperatures. The pupa reuses the spring one when wearing skirts or dresses.
Denim jacket.
As an alternative to the duster, also reused, she actually used it a lot even during the summer evenings.
The sleeveless
I was unaware of the use of this garment before having a daughter, it is ideal when the temperature changes are considerable. For example, we are using it combined with a denim jacket in the morning, on the contrary when we return the temperature rises and we only use one or the other.
This garment is related to the place of belonging, in fact where winters are mild it is often used especially in that period, we live in the mountains so we are used to temperatures below 10 degrees even during autumn coats and jackets.
You don’t have to have them all, but the important thing is the weight of the garment based on the temperatures. In fact, the overhangs are to be avoided. When you leave the house, it’s better to stop for a few minutes at the door to prevent the exit from the too-hot environment from harming the child, on the contrary when you enter a room or in the car, we remove some layers to avoid making him sweat.
And the hat?
It’s always a dilemma, but if the day is simply cool, it’s better to avoid it, also because children usually can’t stand it.