Happiness And Positivity Quotes

Happiness And Positivity Quotes

It is impossible not to notice this tremendous wave of happiness and positivity quotes that has swept our culture.  And so interesting that this is occurring almost simultaneously with the economic downturn in our country.  This blog is NOT about the economy, just an interesting side note.

Happiness And Positivity Quotes

Everywhere I look – on blogs, Twitter, and Facebook, I see a remarkable array of positive vibes going on.  Think positive, life is beautiful, you get the drift.  There is so much encouragement to forge our reality by attending to our belief systems.  To look on the bright side.  To be aware of how we create our lives by how we think and respond. For more informative blogs visit boost monkey.

And it is a wonderful place to focus.  My perspective lies very much along these lines as well.

Putting On The Happy Face Lacks Authenticity

It can be very tempting to put on a happy face when you don’t really feel happy. In fact, you may feel pressured to.  I advise against it.  This does not help you to have the best relationship with yourself or with others. Why?  Because it is not real or authentic and it doesn’t heal the hurt. Burying an emotion and pretending it doesn’t exist doesn’t make it go away.  It’s only taking a nap!  Trust me on this.

I love an analogy by Abraham-Hicks that is about the fact that putting a happy sticker on an empty gas gauge doesn’t mean you have gas in your tank happiness and positivity quotes. You could pretend you had gas, but we all know where that would end up, don’t we?  Sitting along the road thinking what the hell was I thinking?

We Live In A Remarkable Time of Transformation

I love more than I can express the remarkable tools we have to transform our lives.  We have more access than ever to information that can be of benefit both for our personal lives and our relationships.  We are living in an exciting time! A time that does offer tremendous opportunity for personal transformation.

Yet, as I see all this, and write myself about the opportunity to transform by being more fully aware, I see a potential pitfall.

Sometimes We Feel Oh So Sad

You may become embarrassed to admit that you are human! If “everyone” is feeling so positive all the time and this has become almost an EXPECTATION, where do you go with your pain when you feel oh so sad, or mad, or anxious?

Well, hopefully, you go to your wonderful, supportive friends.  Or, if need be, to a professional.  But are you allowed to speak it out loud? I hope so!

Everyone has bad hair days or painful time periods in their lives, times of loss, regardless of how “evolved” we are Happiness And Positivity Quotes.  Embracement of where we are at any moment allows for the fullness of who we are to be present.  It allows us to live in technicolor rather than grays!

You become willing to sit with and examine these moments or times.  Embracing the moment means that we remain real with both ourselves and others. In this willingness, a space is created for magic to happen.  Healing is magic.  Relationships deepen.

I’ve been in the denial space plenty of times, that place of not wanting to admit that I’m really not feeling quite as cheery or together as I’d like to be.

My observation, though,  is that embracing what is real at the moment creates an opportunity for a sense of internal wholeness and peace happiness and positivity quotes.  Your relationships, both with yourself and others, become more satisfying.   Everything seems to fall into place.  You find yourself in the groove, the “zone” as they say.  Life itself becomes groovy!

You may be afraid that if you really allowed yourself to feel your feelings you would end up in a bottomless pit or in the loony bin of happiness and positivity quotes.  It is not so.  Our fears are worse than the reality.  In fact, it is cleansing and freeing to allow yourself to have your feelings.


Balance is where it’s at, my pretties!

I remember an encounter I had 20 years ago that really struck me regarding this topic.  A man and his lovely wife attended a very “positive thinking” church in the town where I lived.   The wife had cancer and she was a wonderful person with happiness and positivity quotes.  One day I learned the wife had died. I saw him a few days later and said, “How are you doing”? He replied “It’s a beautiful day in (the name of the town)…”, in a perky manner.

Yet, as I looked at his countenance I could see the utter devastation and pain he was feeling.  It seemed as if he was ready to burst.  I felt saddened to see that he did not feel it was acceptable to be real with what was true for him in that moment.

I don’t mean just with me.  That would have been understandable.  I mean, I feel he had adopted a belief system that he felt didn’t “allow” for these feelings to be expressed – or perhaps even felt.

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