How To Make Your Life Better And Happier

How To Make Your Life Better And Happier

How to make your life better and happier One thing you may notice in a relationship is that it is pretty easy to determine what you want or “need”. In fact, you could probably come up with lists, if you had the time to sit and ponder such things!

How To Make Your Life Better And Happier

I can’t help but wonder, though, how much time do you spend thinking about what would enhance your beloved’s life (or day if you’d like to take it in sound bites). For more informative blogs visit boost monkey.

How Did Things Fall Apart?

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty here.  On a daily basis, how much energy do you put into your romantic interest or partner? I’m not talking about smothering or stalking here,  so let’s not go too far off the deep end!

The question is, do you make small or large gestures that will give your partner warm fuzzies on a regular basis?

We all get so very busy!  It is easy to allow your relationships to take the back burner.  You may find yourself facing a moment where things have fallen apart and you wonder what happened.

Things don’t fall apart overnight, but it can feel that way. Shock sets in at this point.  How could this have happened to me? I thought things were okay.  Gradually, looking back little signs suddenly take on the significance of large glaring neon lights.

Loving Your Beloved In a Bread and Butter Kind of Way

How about spicing things up and creating a great feeling NOW?  There is no better time.  I watched a great video today about a 94-year-old woman’s final wish how to make your life better and happier. Doctors had given her 6 months to live due to congestive heart failure.  She had a last wish.

As she clutched a photo of her beloved, she stated they had been married 58 years before he died.  The woman said the thing that preserved their marriage was that they went out dancing once a week. Since his death 15 years prior she had not had the opportunity to do the Tennessee Waltz.  She wished to have one more dance!  And her wish was granted.

What a beautiful memory!  She mentioned how she and her husband danced, held each other close, and “then more” were her sweet words.

A bonding experience such as this can obviously last a lifetime how to make your life better and happier.  In fact, she attributes their good marriage to their simple act of dancing and romancing together.

Tips To Nurture The Well-Being of Your Beloved

1)  Be Aware of How You Speak About Your Partner To Others.

The first tip is probably not what you expected.  It is not about an action you take with that person how to make your life better and happier.  If you frequently talk badly about your partner when they are not there you are creating a huge gap in your ability to come together in a positive way.

I consider this one of the most important things you can do to maintain a good relationship, yet we don’t often see this addressed.

I realize it is tempting with friends to dump it all out there.  It is natural to want to talk things out with someone if you are having challenging issues or times.

Talking about it is different from thrashing the person from here to eternity. Resist.  Take the high road.  Try to avoid blame if you are talking things through with friends.

If you feel a need to “go there”, seek therapy and bring these issues up in a therapeutic environment.

2)  Talk Pretty

We do so like pretty talk.  Remember to be fond of your partner.  Let them know you care by being verbal about it.  Come on, give your beloved some love! Be genuine in this.  Don’t say something you don’t feel or it will seem insincere.

3)  Listen When the Person speaks

Take the time to really listen and hear what the person is saying.  Respond. A simple “Wow, you feel overwhelmed right now” can work wonders.  A great follow-up would be “What can I do to help”?

We become so preoccupied we form the habit sometimes of not slowing down to really listen.  If you find you do not listen because you are tired of the negativity that flows out of your partner’s mouth like an erupting volcano, at some point this needs to be honestly addressed.  Think therapy.

4)  Ask

Ask your romantic interest or partner what makes them feel loved and appreciated and then do some of the things. People are different in what makes them feel loved and cared for.

Do NOT ask if you might not do anything.  It will build resentment and is passive-aggressive and hurtful.

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