The Foolthe Foolthe Fool

The Foolthe Foolthe Fool

I love the Osho Zen Tarot Deck even though I am not much of a generic Tarot lover.  It is so, well, Zenlike!

My favorite card is the Foolthe Foolthe Fool and its number is Zero.  You can play with the qualities of The Fool and incorporate them into YOUR life for more unpredictability and joy.  Come on, step off the ledge

The Wise Fool

You may notice in the illustration of The Fool that he is walking off a cliff. Oops!

The Foolthe Foolthe Fool

the Fool symbolizes trust and innocence.  She maintains a childlike purity, yet she is not a child!  Now, that does take trust. For more informative blogs visit boost monkey.

the Foolthe Foolthe Fool trusts his intuition and senses the “rightness” of a situation, then jumps in.  The wisdom of The Fool speaks to having the huevos (do you need the English translation?) to move forward without allowing past experience to color his perception of the NOW.

Zero implies “the numberless number”.  Trust and innocence triumph over past experience and jadedness!

Ponder this for it has powerful implications. The Foolthe Foolthe Fool trusts “against all his experience”.  It may appear that The Fool does not learn, but this is missing the nature of The Fool.  “His trust is so pure that nobody can corrupt it”.

Dying To The Past To Live Fully In The Present

Being able to die in the past enables us to be more fully alive at the moment.  It takes wisdom and courage to not be ruled by our past hurts and disappointments.

As I look at this card I think about the inception of Best Relationships Ever: Restore Your Belief In Love and Life the Foolthe Foolthe Fool.  This program speaks to the fact that by mid-life many people lose their belief in love  – or that anything wonderful can happen in their lives.   This is a misperception that can be changed.  Your belief in love and life can be restored and it is worth the journey.  After all, it is YOUR precious life!

In order to restore your belief in love and life you need to recognize that love is a choice.  A choice to live fully.  It is one thing to visit the land of your wounds and hurts.  It is another thing altogether to LIVE there!  Don’t.

Secrets You Can Use To Become A Fool Now

Do what you need to in order to not live in your fears and woundedness.  Choose to trust again.  Intend to have a mutually uplifting experience with all whom you encounter.  Focus on what is working.   Trust your inner guidance.   Know that love abounds and is always present and awaiting your arrival.  Create joy in your encounters.  Play more.  Take a walk off the cliff! Do be open to the wonders of life.  Do it today!

Please do be in touch and let me know what you have done to be The Foolthe Foolthe Fool.  I do so love hearing from you.  You are what this is all about!

In the meantime, be well, and may you experience the most foolish relationships ever!


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