Things That Make You Feel Better

Things That Make You Feel Better

If things that make you feel better do not feel good physically, it is HARD to focus on the positive.  The pain or discomfort rather takes a front seat for attention.  While we are feeling well, it is so much easier to notice what is good.

Things That Make You Feel Better

This illustrates how significant and important our bodies are.  Without a feeling of health and physical well-being, it becomes difficult to function optimally. For more informative blogs visit boost monkey.

You Can Feel A Little Better

While this is the case, I would like to offer a suggestion that may help you feel somewhat better.  I am going to ask you to take your attention off what doesn’t feel good and place it on what things that make you feel better is doing right.

Now, I realize this may require quite an effort, especially at first.  Focusing on what isn’t working becomes a habit. It is easy to understand why this might be the case if you are in pain or uncomfortable.  You also may have become habitual in your negativity toward your body even if you feel well physically.

I grant that it can be hard to pull your attention in another direction. Habits can be changed, though, with some practice. And this is what we shall do – practice. Here are 3 things that make you feel better. You can do these 3 things you can do if you’re body is not feeling great or if you just aren’t liking your body.

Focus on 3 Things Your Body is Doing Right – And Appreciate Them

I will give you a few examples and you may create your own list.  I suggest you write it down, but if you would like, you may simply say these things to yourself.  Do this daily until it becomes a habit.

Examples –

Wow, you helped me walk around today. I cannot imagine not being able to walk.  I am so grateful that you do this for me.  Thank you.  (If you cannot walk, substitute other things that make you feel better and have enabled you to do).

It is amazing to have sight so that I can see to do everything that I do. Wow, it is remarkable to have sight and I have seen some beautiful things today.  Thank you body.  Think of specific things that you saw and enjoyed today.

I have been able to talk today. I have my voice.  Because of this, I was able to have a wonderful conversation with a loved one or acquaintance.  Thank you.

Make your own list of what you appreciate that your body did for you today!

Generate An Emotion

As you perform the above exercise, try to generate a feeling of appreciation.  As I discuss in my Fall In Love With Your Body e-book, in order to derive benefit from an affirmation, it is important to generate a good feeling.   A thought without emotion is not in itself powerful enough to produce change.

While this exercise may seem simple – and it is – do not underestimate the benefit.  If you practice this daily, you may find it improves how you feel and things that make you feel better may function just a little bit better.  We all thrive on appreciation and your body is no exception!

I look forward to hearing your comments and about your experiences when you do this exercise.

In the meantime, be well, and remember to LOVE your body now!

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