What Women Want From Men

What Women Want From Men

It seems that what women want from men of today are looking for something different in their men. I went on a quest to find what it is that we simply cannot do without when choosing a mate…and the results kind of surprised me.

What Women Want From Men

Of the 100 women in my social circle that I surveyed, more than half insisted that their partner has money, a great body, and is well-endowed. However, my immediate social circle could definitely just be full of hoochie. For more informative blogs visit boost monkey.

Some women said that a sense of humor was essential. This I wholeheartedly agree with. Nothing is worse than a man that can’t laugh…or that only laughs after you explain why something is funny. Ugh.

Others got a little more in-depth about specific wants and needs – honesty, sincerity, vulnerability, and communication sat amid “must be able to cook”, “I want someone I can fart in front of”, and “no douchebags” at the top of the list.

It got me thinking about what I want in a man. Believe me, none of the aforementioned were anywhere near my list. My mate should be my best friend. He should support and love me, never give me a reason to doubt him, make me laugh…and most importantly, be himself.

There are dozens of magazines in circulation that highlight this specific subject – from different points of view – over 200 glossy, photo-filled pages each month. I could single-handedly take these periodicals out of circulation with this one revelation: what women want from men doesn’t know what the hell they want.

Everyone is different. In today’s society, if half of the population of what women want from men seeks a wealthy, attractive man with a giant member, so be it. And good luck to those women! Some chicks just want a man – ANY man. And some just prefer the company of other women – and just don’t realize it yet.

Having said all of that, I can assure you – women are well aware of what they do NOT want in a man. The response rate for this survey was quick and astounding. More than 300 females shared their opinions on this survey topic.

A very large ninety percent of the girls (in my social circle) said that they do not want a man that is an asshole. Well, duh. Let’s get a little more specific, ladies. This, from what I can tell, includes men that create drama (what is worse than that?!), are jealous jerks, are not supportive, loving, or caring, and – obviously – have teeny kibbles and bits.

Some won’t date a man with a crappy car, a certain style of dress, a less-than-desirable job…or even (gasp!) a receding hairline. The chicks in my social circle are not only hoochies, they’re pretty shallow as well!

We may never be able to completely agree, as to what women want from men, about what we’re looking for in a life-long commitment. Though we all seem to be sure as shit that we don’t want an asshole.

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